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  • Captain Webb Primary School and Nursery | Dawley | Telford

    歡迎來到 韋伯船長小學 我謹代表所有兒童、工作人員和州長熱烈歡迎您訪問我們的網站。我很榮幸成為韋伯船長小學和幼兒園的校長,我為這所學校感到無比自豪。 在韋伯船長,我們為學生提供友好、支持和安全的學習環境。我們提倡對學習的熱愛,並確保每個人都能充分發揮其潛力。我們努力為所有孩子提供基於現實生活經驗的廣泛而均衡的課程,從而使他們能夠發揮他們的潛力;激發想像力和學習熱情。我們將所有兒童視為個體,我們的員工旨在發現和發展他們的優勢,以鼓勵和培養人才,因為我們相信無論是在體育、藝術還是學術領域,所有人都能取得成功。 我們將教育視為一項合資企業,涉及所有人:兒童、父母、員工、州長和更廣泛的社區。我們希望在這次合作中,我們能夠依靠您的合作和支持;知道我們可以一起為每個孩子提供最好的。 我們學校是一個學習型社區,每個人都努力工作以達到最佳狀態。我們積極推動終身學習,並不斷追求卓越。 我希望您喜歡瀏覽我們的網站。它將讓您體驗學校生活,深入了解可用的活動和機會的範圍,並為家長和監護人提供許多有用的信息。如果您願意來認識我們,環顧四周,看看孩子們在工作中的工作,並了解您的孩子如何在這裡茁壯成長,我們將非常高興。請隨時聯繫學校辦公室——我很樂意隨時歡迎您。 S 帕西夫人 班主任 加入我們的Facebook 在 Webb 船長小學的 facebook 頁面上及時了解我們所有的新聞。 閱讀更多

  • PE | captainwebb

    School Games Mark Award 2022.23 Captain Webb received the top accolade for school sport and games: The School Games GOLD Award ! This Government led scheme rewards schools for their commitment to the development of competition across their school and into the community. We have achieved this award for 4 years running (excluding COVID years). AWARD WINNING PROVISION OF PE. P.E Curriculum Statement Intent Our intent is to provide our children with an engaging, exciting and empowering curriculum that allows them to develop as confident responsible citizens equipped with the skills that will allow them to be successful in our ever-changing world, both in the present and the future. We believe that childhood should be a happy, investigative and enquiring time in our lives. We constantly provide enrichment opportunities (memorable experiences) to engage learners and develop their cultural capital which has been recognised as essential if children are to succeed. We believe that our children should not only reach their best academically, but also develop a thirst for knowledge, foster a love of learning and leave our school with exceptional independent learning skills. ​ We are fully committed to developing each child's unique potential within a secure and caring environment. We use our Captain Webb Values to promote positive attitudes to learning: ​ Listen Encourage Achieve Respect Nurture Implementation Physical Education is taught at Captain Webb Primary School as an area of learning, as well as being integrated where possible with other curriculum areas such as Maths where we provide a contextual opportunity for time and measure. We have implemented a curriculum where pupils from the age of 2 to the age of 11 not only enjoy but also allows them to experience a range of activities that broaden their knowledge and experience. PE consists of two hourly lessons per week. During the summer term Year 5 and 6 receive high quality swimming lessons where there is also a focus on performing lifesaving strokes. ​ The key knowledge and skills of each topic are mapped across each year group. This ensures that children develop their knowledge of games, dance, gymnastics, athletics and outdoor and adventurous activity progressively throughout the whole school. The skills in these areas are also developed systematically, with the programme of study for each year group building on previous learning and preparing for subsequent years. Knowledge and skills are informed and linked to enable achievement of key stage end points, as informed by the 2014 National Curriculum. We teach lessons so that children develop fundamental movement skills, become increasingly competent and confident and access a broad range of opportunities to extend their agility, balance and coordination, individually and with others. Every lesson requires the children to think of the importance of preparing their body for physical activity, acquiring and developing new knowledge and skills and also evaluating and improving their performances and the performance of others. ​ As part of the Telford School Sport Partnership children are given a wide range of opportunities to engage in inter and intra competitions throughout the year. This allows them to communicate, collaborate and compete against each other on a consistent basis. At Captain Webb we acquire an outside agency to teach PE alongside class teachers. This ensures that every child receives high quality PE and that teachers receive specialist training on a regular basis. This guarantees sustainability. They also provide opportunities for children to extend their school day by taking part in a variety of activities thus supporting their health and well being during the current pandemic crisis. Our PE Curriculum, along with PSHE and science, teaches children about the importance of healthy living and learning about the need for good nutrition. We aim for children to develop the necessary knowledge and skills which will have a positive impact on their future by becoming physically active citizens to benefit their long-term health and well-being. This is delivered during Health Awareness Week which focus on cross curricular links with PSHE and Science. ​ Impact In order to increase our children’s cultural capital, we provide opportunities for the children to; ​ Inter sporting competitions such as the Crossbar cup. A range of intra sporting competitions such as Archery, Boccia and New Age Curling. Arthog Outreach where children experience canoeing, caving and climbing. Arthog residential visit where children experience a variety of outdoor activities such as, orienteering, mining, mountain walk as well as team building activities where children focus on problem solving. France residential visit where children experience survival skills, scavenger hunt and take part in Chateaux Olympics. ​ The school achieves well in a number of sporting activities and achieved a School Games Mark Gold Award in recognition of its PE provision and children’s access to competitive sports which the school has maintained since 2017. The use of external agencies such as West End Dance also demonstrates the positive impact of the Pe curriculum. We are now working towards achieving an AFPE Quality Games Mark Award which acknowledges and celebrates outstanding practice and innovation in Physical Education, School Sport and Physical Activity. Physical Education Policy 2023.25 P.E. Long Term Plan 2022.25 Athletics Skills and Knowledge Progression Plans Dance Skills and Knowledge Progression Plans Gymnastics Skills and Knowledge Progression Plans Invasion Games Skills and Knowledge Progression Plans Net Games Skills and Knowledge Progression Plans Striking and Fielding Skills and Knowledge Progression Plans Swimming Skills and Knowledge Progression Plans Target Games Skills and Knowledge Progression Plans PE SEND P.E Kit We as a school believe that no child should be left out, and aim to support the parents as much as possible in the current financial crisis. We have, therefore, decided to provide all children with a universal P.E. kit, which will remain in school. Swimming We as a school have recognised the impact of COVID, and subsequent rise in prices of swimming lessons therefore, as well as the free lessons given as part of the curriculum, we also use part of the school funding to give Years 4, 5 and 6 additional swimming lessons. Community Links The school has strong links with Telford Tigers Ice Hockey Team. This enables the school to offer parents and children discounted ticket prices to their matches. Daily Mile Track In line with government initiative Project 60, we decided to equip the school field with a daily mile track. This has been a direct result of the pandemic, as when children were returning to school it was noticeable that physical exercise had been restricted during their time in lockdown. We wanted to tackle this and could not think of a better way than children completing a daily mile. What is the Daily Mile? It is a physical activity which promotes social, emotional and mental health and wellbeing, as well as fitness. It takes place outside in the fresh air during the school day at a time of the teacher’s choosing. Children run in their school clothes and no special kit or equipment is required.

  • D&T | captainwebb

    D&T Curriculum Statement Intent Our intent is to provide our children with an engaging, exciting and empowering curriculum that allows them to develop as confident responsible citizens equipped with the skills that will allow them to be successful in our ever-changing world, both in the present and the future. We believe that childhood should be a happy, investigative and enquiring time in our lives. We constantly provide enrichment opportunities (memorable experiences) to engage learners and develop their cultural capital which has been recognised as essential if children are to succeed. We believe that our children should not only reach their best academically, but also develop a thirst for knowledge, foster a love of learning and leave our school with exceptional independent learning skills. We are fully committed to developing each child's unique potential within a secure and caring environment. We use our Captain Webb Values to promote positive attitudes to learning: Listen Encourage Achieve Respect Nurture At Captain Webb, we want children to be inspired and enthused by the idea of designing, creating and making. Our Design and Technology curriculum allows children to exercise their creativity and become critical thinkers. Throughout their time at Captain Webb, children make meaningful cross-curricular links and apply the knowledge and skills they learn in other subjects to produce meaningful products. Our practical, design-centred learning teaches children to take risks and become resourceful, innovative and enterprising individuals. Through our Design and Technology curriculum, we provide pupils with key knowledge, which enable them to develop the skills required to become future builders, designers and engineers of the world. Implementation Our pupils leave Captain Webb with all of the knowledge and skills required to be innovative risk-takers. Our curriculum has been thoughtfully planned to ensure that the knowledge children have is built upon within every Design and Technology unit. Knowledge within our Design and Technology curriculum is split into several stands, including: Food, Cooking and Nutrition, Structure, Textiles, Mechanisms (KS1) and Mechanical & Electronic Systems (KS2). These are mapped out across year groups to ensure progression. Our planning ensures we teach the knowledge, understanding and skills needed to engage in the exciting process of designing and making. Children are required to plan and create products that consider function and purpose, and which are also relevant to real-life scenarios. Children look at existing designs to analyse and assess their effectiveness and then they consider ways of redesigning and reconstructing it to improve its overall success. At Captain Webb, we encourage children to use their imagination to design and make products that solve real and relevant problems within a variety of contexts. Our children are required to consider others’ wants and needs by following a design brief. Design and Technology at Captain Webb is often taught as a block, or sometimes timetabled as a whole day, so that children’s learning is focused throughout each unit of work. At the beginning of each topic, initial assessments are completed to determine prior knowledge and ensure that progression is consistent. Evaluation is a key aspect of the Design and Technology process and children are given the opportunity to assess and ‘tinker’ their designs, continually looking to improve their work. Impact As well as monitoring of attainment, the impact of effective Design and Technology teaching is assessed through the pupil’s ability to evaluate, design, make and improve their own work. The impact of Design and Technology is also evident within the opportunities we provide to develop cultural capital. We do this across the curriculum and throughout the school by: Working with local companies to promote future career choices Cooking for a purpose so children learn to be passionate about working with, preparing and tasting food Implementing a high standard of hygiene learning when working with food Using tools to help children manage risks Visiting local restaurant’s to help children embrace cultural influences on the food we cook and the diversity of the ingredients available for us to cook with Displaying products that children have made so they can experience the suitability first hand (bird houses in forest schools) Designing and creating for a purpose when making a blanket for a local care home Studying famous engineering experts through STEM and communicating ideas and developing prototypes using CAD Involving children in enterprise activities so children can begin to make links between cost of produce and materials, and the profit that can be made Design and Technology Policy 2023.25 D&T Skills and Knowledge Progression Plans

  • Maths including KIRF | captainwebb

    Maths Curriculum Statement Intent Our intent is to provide our children with an engaging, exciting and empowering curriculum that allows them to develop as confident responsible citizens equipped with the skills that will allow them to be successful in our ever-changing world, both in the present and the future. We believe that childhood should be a happy, investigative and enquiring time in our lives. We constantly provide enrichment opportunities (memorable experiences) to engage learners and develop their cultural capital which has been recognised as essential if children are to succeed. We believe that our children should not only reach their best academically, but also develop a thirst for knowledge, foster a love of learning and leave our school with exceptional independent learning skills. We are fully committed to developing each child's unique potential within a secure and caring environment. We use our Captain Webb Values to promote positive attitudes to learning: Listen Encourage Achieve Respect Nurture At Captain Webb, our intent for mathematics is to teach a rich, balanced and progressive curriculum that helps children develop an ability to solve problems, to reason, to think logically and to work systematically and accurately. We believe that equipping our children with fundamental maths skills will pave pathways to creating resilient, forward-thinking learners, who will continue to build upon these skills in every key stage. Through our maths learning, we provide opportunities which cater for the needs of all individuals and sets them up with the necessary skills and knowledge for them to become successful in their future adventures. We aim to prepare them for a successful working life; we incorporate sustained levels of challenge through varied and high quality activities that use maths to reason, problem solve and develop fluent conceptual understanding in each area ​ Implementation Our pupils leave Captain Webb with the knowledge and skills required to be great and confident mathematicians by embedding a curriculum that allows children to better make sense of the world around them by making connections between mathematics and everyday life. We teach the National Curriculum by adopting the White Rose Maths scheme as a planning tool, but we adapt according to the need of our pupils. This adaptation is based upon summative assessment gap information, ongoing formative teaching judgements and pupil feedback. This ensures that skills and knowledge are built on year by year and sequenced appropriately to maximise learning for all children. ​ Our knowledge-based curriculum introduces new mathematical concepts using a ‘Concrete, Pictorial and Abstract’ approach; enabling all children to experience hands-on learning when discovering new mathematical topics, and allows them to have clear models and images to aid their understanding. Declarative knowledge (arithmetic and basic math skills) is taught daily so that pupils know useful facts and formulae and develop an understanding of relationships and familiar patterns. Procedural knowledge is greatly linked to our calculation policy and enables our pupils to process mathematical information accurately and at speed. Finally, conditional knowledge allows children to apply and embed their knowledge through challenging, rich and sophisticated problems ​ Select to see our long-term and medium term plans below: Read More Nursery - Medium Term Plans Read More Year R - Medium Term Plans Read More Year 1 - Medium Term Plans Read More Year 2 - Medium Term Plans Read More Year 3 - Medium Term Plans Read More Year 4 - Medium Term Plans Read More Year 5 - Medium Term Plans Read More Year 6 - Medium Term Plans Year 1 - Long Term Plans Year 2 - Long Term Plans Year 3 - Long Term Plans Year 4 - Long Term Plans Year 5 - Long Term Plans Year 6 - Long Term Plans Mathmatical Vocabulary Progression Document 2023-25 Key Knowledge Skills - Conditional Knowledge Grids Key Knowledge Skills - Geometry - Position and Direction Key Knowledge Skills - Statistics Key Knowledge Skills Geometry - Properties of shape Key Knowledge Skills - Measure Key Knowledge Skills - Calculation Key Knowledge Skills - Algebra Key Knowledge Skills - FDPRP Key Knowledge Skills - Place Value Key Knowledge Skills - Calculation Impact Mathematics is an important creative discipline that helps children to understand and change the world. This is supported by the opportunities we provide to develop cultural capital. We do this across the curriculum and throughout the school by: Organising events such as STEM Week, allowing pupils to apply their knowledge and skills to cross-curricular concepts or topics Working with global companies such as HSBC to promote financial skills for work, learning and life Giving children the opportunity to use money in real-life contexts (having spending money on trips or going to the local sweet shop in Year 2) Our contextual activities in maths at the end of each unit link to a real-life context which gives children a clear understanding of the importance and purpose of mathematical skills Year 6 undertake an Enterprise project which gives them the opportunity to work with a budget; plan, design and make a product; market a product; engage in the selling process and finally, calculate and understand the importance of profit. Maths Policy 2023-2025 Maths - Number Formation Policy 2022 - 2025 Calculation Policy 2022 - 2025 Pre-Calculation Policy 2022 - 2025 Jottings Policy 2022 - 2025 Multiplication Planner 2022 - 2025 KIRF Progression Document 2022 - 2025 YEAR 4 MULTIPLICATION PROGRESS CHECK “Leaving primary school with a fundamental grasp of basic numeracy is as important as leaving being able to read. And just as the phonics check has helped more children learn to read, this will ensure more pupils know their times tables.” Nick Gibb, schools minister. In June each year, Year 4 pupils are required to sit a multiplication tables check (MTC). This test is online and will require the children to answer 25 questions on their multiplication knowledge from two to twelves times table. Pupils are given 6 seconds per question with three seconds rest between each question, so the test should last less than 5 minutes. The MTC will establish which pupils’ times table knowledge is at the expected level and will also help identify which pupils are struggling with their times tables so they can get extra support. To help your child prepare for these checks, we progressive introduce multiplication facts from year 1 with the expectation that all facts will be known by the end of Year 4. (See the multiplication Planner). As a school, we also use Time Table Rock Stars. This is an interactive online program which allows your child to practice key facts at speed and allows the teacher to see which facts the children are having difficulty with. Questions on the six, seven, eight, nine and twelve times table are more likely to come up most often and as these are the hardest for most children to learn, it is a good idea to focus on learning these tables with your child. For more information regarding the multiplication tables check, please click the link below. ​ KIRF (Key Instant Recall Facts) At Captain Webb Primary we practise KIRF (Key Instant Recall Facts) daily as part of our Maths Lessons. We strongly believe that knowing these facts is a gateway to become confident mathematicians. The aim is for children to recall these facts instantly as this will not only allow them to access the Maths Curriculum with ease, but also build their sense of number and confidence when working with number. To help your child achieve this crucial fluency target, we ask that you help your child to complete some KIRF based activity at least four times a week as part of our reward homework scheme. Autumn Term 1st Half - 2023.24 Autumn Term 2nd Half - 2023.24 Spring Term 1st Half - 2023.24 Spring Term 2nd Half - 2023.24 Summer Term 1st Half - 2023.24 Summer Term 2nd Half - 2023.24

  • Safeguarding | captainwebb

    Safeguarding at Captain Webb Primary School Meet the Safeguarding Team Report a Safeguarding Concern Safeguarding Information for Parents Safeguarding Information for Children Online Safety Information CSE/CCE (Child Sexual Exploitation/Child Criminal Exploitation) Prevent Key Safeguarding Documents Meet the Safeguarding Team At Captain Webb we have a team of safeguarding leads who work closely together to ensure all our children, and their families, are safe. Our safeguarding team can be contacted in person via the main office or by telephone on 01952 386770 ​ Designated Safeguarding Lead Overall responsibility for safeguarding at Captain Webb sits with Sarah Passey (our Headteacher), however she has delegated the day-to-day responsibilities to Gemma Boden as the Lead DSL. If you have any queries or concerns around the welfare of a child or any aspect of safeguarding at Captain Webb, the DSL is your first point of contact. ​ Deputy Safeguarding Leads ​ Where the DSL is unavailable, a Deputy DSL will take the lead on safeguarding across the School. We have a number of trained DDSLs to ensure that capacity and availability is maintained at all times. ​ Our Deputy DSL's are: Sarah Passey - Headteacher Nicola Weston - Deputy Head Claire Watkins - Pastoral Support Jenny Wheatley - Pastoral Support Fran Tranter - OOH's ​ Safeguarding Governor ​ To ensure the governing body are able to monitor the safeguarding provision at Captain Webb they have appointed a Safeguarding Governor. The core responsibilities of the Safeguarding Governor are, along with the DSL: To ensure there are policies and procedures in place for appropriate action to be taken in a timely manner to safeguard and promote children's welfare; to feedback their findings to the full governing body; to undertake regular in-depth training to be able to advise the governing body on safeguarding matters. ​ Our safeguarding governor is Ms Jenny Kiernan ​ Designated Teacher for Children who are Looked After ​ Where children are looked after by the Local Authority, the Designated Teacher works with Children's Social Care to ensure the best possible outcomes, both academically and socially. Our Designated Teacher for Looked After Children is Sarah Passey. ​ Meet the Team BACK TO TOP Reporting a Concern Reporting a Concern ​ Captain Webb Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all our children. All adults visiting or working on site at Captain Webb have a part to play in ensuring we keep our children and each other safe. In order to protect children at Captain Webb we will; Create an atmosphere where all children feel safe, valued and listened to Recognise signs and symptoms of abuse in all forms- Act quickly and effectively when concerns around the welfare of our children are raised All adults working with our children will know that; They have a duty of care to safeguard all children whilst on site at Captain Webb Disclosures of abuse can happen at any time and to anyone in school They should immediately report any concerns around the welfare of a child to a member of the safeguarding team Their role is not to investigate any concerns raised ​ All staff log any safeguarding concerns directly onto CPOMS (Child Protection Online Management System). ​ Visitors on site If you become worried about a child or by something you see or hear whilst on your visit to our school this information must be shared with a safeguarding lead, within 10 minutes. A Concern Form should be completed to ensure clarity of information. There are Concern Forms located in every classroom, the staff room, and the school office. ​ Family Connect If you have concerns that a child is suffering abuse or harm of any description you can also report this directly to Family Connect on 01952 385385 BACK TO TOP Safeguarding Information for Parents Our Designated Safeguarding Lead is: Gemma Boden Our Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads are: Sarah Passey Nicola Weston Claire Watkins Jenny Wheatley Fran Tranter If you wish to discuss or pass on any concerns you have regarding safeguarding and child protection please contact our Safeguarding Team through the school office. ​ Captain Webb Primary School follows the Telford and Wrekin Safeguarding Boards procedures. The school will endeavour to discuss all concerns with parents about their children. However, there may be exceptional circumstances when the school will discuss concerns with social care and/or the Police without prior parental consent. We always aim to maintain a positive relationship with all parents. Captain Webb Primary has a wide range of safeguarding and health and safety guidance and procedures in place to protect all our pupils and ensure their welfare. The governors and staff annually review and monitor these policies which include safeguarding, anti-bullying, behaviour, security, first-aid and e-safety. In accordance with statutory guidance, all staff regularly attend Child Protection training and refresher sessions on the procedures to follow for suspected incidents of abuse. All staff are trained in Evacuation, Invacuation and Lockdown Procedures and these procedures are practiced in school over the academic year. The Academy works with a number of agencies to safeguard and protect individual pupil’s welfare. Robust safer recruitment guidelines are followed with regard to recruitment and all staff and regular volunteers undergo DBS checks to assess their suitability. Our full Safeguarding Policy and procedures are available on our website here and from the office on request. Other useful websites to support parents and families to keep children safe: ​ NSPCC Online Safety Advice for Parents Download the NSPCC online safety bookmark here Let's Stop Abuse Together - advice and support site to help keep children safe from sexual abuse. The site includes advice for parents and carers on spotting the signs of sexual abuse and speaking to your child about relationships and safety. It also signposts to sources of further support for children, adults and professionals including the NSPCC helpline and Childline. Childnet - Parent/Carer toolkit Common Sense Media - advice re age ratings/restrictions on films, games etc. Internet Matters - help and support for parents of young teenagers BACK TO TOP Safguarding for parents Safegarding for children Safeguarding Information for Children ​ If you are being hurt, treated in a way that makes you feel scared or unsafe, or you feel very alone or unhappy, please tell someone about it so they can try to help you. Talk to someone you can trust, like your class teacher or one of our Pastoral Team (Mrs Boden. Mrs Watkins, or Mrs Wheatley) . Any member of staff in school will listen to you and support you, and talk through what can be done to help sort things out. ​ Remember that you can ring ChildLine anytime on 0800 1111 ​ What to do about bullying ​ If you are being bullied by another child please tell someone. Bullying can happen to anyone, at any age, at school, at home, on the bus, in the street, online, or via your mobile phone. It might be that someone pushes you around, talks about you, teases you, makes fun of you, hits you or calls you names. No one has the right to hurt you or make you feel bad, and if you are being bullied you don't have to put up with it, you can talk to someone and get something done about it. Talk to a teacher, your mum, your dad, or someone else in your family. You could talk to someone at Childline - ring their freephone number 0800 1111. Cyber bullying is when people are nasty online or on a mobile phone. It is against the law to bully someone in this way and it can be stopped. Click on the names of the websites below for more information and advice: Childline Bullying Advice Thinkuknow - information for different age groups, and you can report abuse here CEOP - advice on reporting online abuse UK Safer Internet Centre BACK TO TOP Prevent Duty ​ What is the Prevent strategy ? ​ Prevent is a government strategy designed to stop people becoming terrorists or supporting terrorist or extremist causes. The Prevent strategy covers all types of terrorism and extremism, including the extreme right wing, violent religious groups and extremist support of other causes. ​ How does the Prevent strategy apply to schools? ​ From July 2015 all schools (as well as other organisations) have a duty to safeguard children from radicalisation and extremism. This means we have a responsibility to protect children from extremist and violent views the same way we protect them from drugs or gang violence. Importantly, we can provide a safe place for pupils to discuss these issues so they better understand how to protect themselves. ​ What does this mean in practice? ​ Many of the things we already do in school to help children become positive, happy members of society also contribute to the Prevent strategy. These include: Exploring other cultures and religions and promoting diversity. Challenging prejudices and racist comments Developing critical thinking skills and a strong, positive self -identity. Promoting the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of pupils, as well as British values such as democracy. We will also protect children from the risk of radicalisation, for example by using filters on the internet to make sure they can’t access extremist and terrorist material, or by vetting visitors who come into schools. ​ Different schools will carry out the Prevent duty in different ways, depending on the age of the children and the needs of the community. ​ Frequently Asked Questions ​ How does Prevent relate to British values? ​ Schools have been required to promote British values since 2014, and this will continue to be part of our response to the Prevent strategy. ​ British values include: Democracy The rule of law Individual liberty and mutual respect Tolerance of different faiths and beliefs. Isn’t my child too young to learn about extremism? ​ The Prevent strategy is not just about discussing extremism itself, which many not be appropriate for younger children. It is also about teaching children values such as tolerance and mutual respect. ​ Is extremism really a risk in our area? ​ Extremism can take many forms, including political, religious and misogynistic extremism, Some of these may be a bigger threat in our area than others. ​ We will give children the skills to protect them from any extremist views they may encounter. ​ KEY TERMS ​ Extremism - vocal or active opposition to fundamental British values such as democracy, the rule of law and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs. ​ Ideology - a set of beliefs ​ Terrorism - a violent action against people or property, designed to create fear and advance a political, religious or ideological cause. ​ Radicalisation - the process by which a person comes to support extremism and terrorism. ​ Where to go for more information? ​ Contact Mrs Boden through the School office. ​ If you have any questions or concerns about the Prevent strategy and what it means for your child please do not hesitate to contact the School. ​ You will find more information about spiritual, moral, social and cultural development and British values on our website. ​ Prevent Risk Assessment - April 2024 ​ External Sources The following sources may also be useful for further information: ​ Frequently asked questions, Prevent for schools ​ What is Prevent? Let’s Talk About It ​ BACK TO TOP Prevent Duty Key Safeguarding Documents Safeguarding Policies These are our main Safeguarding Policies. All our other Safeguarding Policies can be found on our Policies Page Staff Equality Policy - Oct 23 Read More Child Sexual Exploitation - a Guide for Parents Read More Whistle Blowing Policy - Sep 23 Read More Pupil Equality Policy - Oct 23 Read More Child on Child Abuse Policy 23.24 Read More Parent Code of Conduct Policy - Oct 23 Read More Procedures for Managing safeguarding Concerns and Allegations - Apr 21 Read More Child Protection Policy - Sep 23 Read More Keeping Children Safe in Education - Sep 23 Read More Children's Emotional Health and Well being Policy - Sep 23 Read More BACK TO TOP

  • Memorable Experiences | captainwebb

    難忘的經歷 為孩子們提供有意義的“難忘經歷”是在韋伯船長小學學習的一個關鍵因素。在每個半學期主題開始時,每年組要么進行訪問,要么有一個由該領域的專家領導的主題主題日。這使孩子們能夠親身體驗每個主題學習領域的重要元素;聽到和使用關鍵詞彙;將他們的寫作和數學置於語境中,並加深對相關歷史、地理或科學概念的理解。我們還通過對威爾士 Arthog 外展中心的全天和住宿訪問以及六年級到法國的住宿旅行,為我們的孩子提供許多戶外學習的機會!我們的目標是確保(通過參觀當地和地區博物館以及具有歷史和地理意義的遺址)孩子們在第二階段結束時帶著文化資本離開我們的學校,並對他們來自哪裡有深刻的了解。 在韋伯船長小學度過小學時光的孩子將在學校經歷兩次教師主導的主題日;曾四次進入當地社區;參觀了五個當地感興趣的地點;向各自領域的十四位專家學習;參觀了 8 個地理和歷史地標,體驗了來自 9 個不同博物館的文物和展覽! 作為“當我們睡著時會發生什麼?”主題的一部分,接待處體驗了一系列外來動物。 第 2 年在他們的主題“泥土、混亂和混合物”開始時訪問 Park Hall 農場 4 年級在主題“美國公路旅行”期間建立了“美洲原住民日”的提示,並在主題“魔藥”期間參觀了蘭利科學系。 5 年級在主題為“Off with Her Head!”的研討會上體驗了成為都鐸王朝的經歷。 6 年級參觀了伯明翰海洋生物中心,作為他們“冰凍王國”主題的一部分。 以下是我們的學生會關於韋伯船長小學難忘經歷的評論: 什麼是難忘的經歷? “當我們有專家訪客或當我們去旅行時,我們會記住” 我們為什麼要做難忘的經歷? 享受美好時光並永遠記住這些經歷——即使我們年紀大了 幫助你的學習——看到現實生活中的事物 幫助我們寫作——這樣我們就知道我們在寫什麼。它對我們來說是真實的。 當你了解它們時,你可以更清楚地想像它們。 幫助我們處理所有其他科目。 他們將詞彙運用到現實生活中。 有時我們用它來做數學中的上下文工作——去年我們去了切斯特動物園,當我們學習面積時,我們必須設計新公園。 我們可以度過一段美好的時光,並記住我們學校的美好時光。 當專家進來時,他們可以幫助我們。他們幫助我們學習。如果你去博物館,你不能問物品問題……但你可以問專家參觀者! 難忘的經歷對你的學習有幫助嗎? 是的...尤其是在寫作、數學、主題、科學、閱讀、歷史、地理和 RE(當我們去教堂時) “如果我們不再做令人難忘的經歷,我們將看不到現實生活中的事物,這會影響我們的學習。學校遠沒有那麼好。” 您認為到目前為止您最難忘的經歷是什麼? 西米德蘭茲野生動物園,因為我們必須乘坐遊樂設施,這有助於我們以主題公園為背景的敘事寫作。 Western Park 因為我們要製作玩具並且正在學習玩具。 Park Hall Farm 因為我看到了我們正在學習的所有動物。 金票表演因為我們看到了一個小丑。 看到科學家解剖心臟,因為它向我們展示了心臟的所有腔室的樣子。 Pizza Express 因為我們實際上必須製作披薩! 我們去了一個農場,這很棒,因為我們看到了一場生豬比賽。難忘! 當我們了解美洲原住民時,製作了一個真正的提示,因為我們體驗了他們的真實生活。 石器時代中心,因為我們實際上必須使用真正的木炭來做藝術作品,就像石器時代的人一樣。

  • Science | captainwebb

    Science Curriculum Statement Intent Our intent is to provide our children with an engaging, exciting, and empowering curriculum that allows them to develop as confident responsible citizens equipped with the skills that will allow them to be successful in our ever-changing world, both in the present and the future. We believe that childhood should be a happy, investigative, and enquiring time in our lives. We constantly provide enrichment opportunities (memorable experiences) to engage learners and develop their cultural capital which has been recognised as essential if children are to succeed. We believe that our children should not only reach their best academically, but also develop a thirst for knowledge, foster a love of learning and leave our school with exceptional independent learning skills. We are fully committed to developing each child's unique potential within a secure and caring environment. We use our Captain Webb Values to promote positive attitudes to learning: Listen Encourage Achieve Respect Nurture At Captain Webb, our intention is to provide a high-quality science education that provides children with the foundations they need to recognise the importance of science in every aspect of daily life. As one of the core subjects taught in primary schools, we give the teaching and learning of science the prominence and relevance it requires. Through science learning, our children have a greater awareness of the role of science in everyday life. Science at Captain Webb ignites pupils' curiosity and offers opportunities to develop their observation, questioning and reasoning skills whilst equipping them with the key knowledge and understanding of the world around them. We intend for our children to think independently and to be life-long learners who are enthused, curious and inquisitive, confident to ask ‘Big Questions’ and who are well prepared for their future in the ever-changing world. Implementation Our pupils leave Captain Webb with all the knowledge and skills required to be curious and confident scientists by embedding a curriculum that helps children foster a healthy curiosity about the world around them. Our curriculum has been planned to ensure that the knowledge children have is built upon not only each year, but each term and within every science lesson. We’ve found that this increases children’s enthusiasm for the topic whilst embedding procedural knowledge into their long-term memory. Knowledge within our science curriculum is taught through the specific disciplines of biology, chemistry, and physics. These are mapped out across the year groups to ensure progression. Our knowledge-based curriculum encourages practical exploration and investigation activities, which enable our children to think and behave like scientists. Children understand how science can be used to explain what is occurring, predict how things will behave, and analyse causes. Thus, our curriculum aims to enable pupils to develop enquiring minds with a range of investigative skills. Please see our science knowledge and skills grid, which shows end of year key knowledge and highlights progression through the scientific strands. Science Knowledge and Skills Grid 23.25 - BIOLOGY Science Knowledge and Skills Grid 23.25 - CHEMISTRY Science Knowledge and Skills Grid 23.25 - PHYSICS Science Knowledge and Skills Grid 23.25 - NEW SKILLS Working scientifically plays an important role in our science planning as it means that children able to obtain key scientific knowledge through practical experiences like using scientific equipment, conducting experiments, and explaining ideas confidently. Below are our BIG science questions that children have the opportunity to explore and answer throughout the year. These show children the range of scientific enquiry methods we can use to investigate scientific phenomena’s. Scientific Enquiry Science at Captain Webb is taught through blocks which supports children to develop mastery of the subject. Children working at greater depth can revisit their learning and delve deeper into the topic. At the beginning of each topic, initial assessments are completed to determine prior knowledge and ensure that progression is consistent. Children also ask 6 ‘big questions’ about their topic to inform teachers’ planning and guarantee that learning is driven by children’s interests. This further develops their enthusiasm for the topic. Our science policy highlights coverage of science unit blocks in each year group, planning and assessment tools. Science Policy 24.25 Impact As well as monitoring of attainment, the impact of effective science teaching is clear in the children’s ability to apply their knowledge to scientific enquiries. The impact of science is also evident within the opportunities we provide to develop cultural capital. We do this across the curriculum and throughout the school by: Organising events such as Science Week or STEM Week, allowing pupils to apply their knowledge and skills to cross-curricular concepts or topics Working closely with local secondary schools, thus demonstrating a love of science work and an interest in further study and work in this field Working collaboratively and practically to investigate and experiment Having butterflies and chicks to assist with real-life learning about life cycles Igniting curiosity through our memorable experiences, including the Wonderdome and Dorothy Clive Gardens Exposing children to a variety of visits where they explore animals and their habitats, including Blue Planet Aquarium, Chester Zoo, and visits from the Exotic Zoo Visiting a theme park so pupils can experience forces in a real-life context Numerous visits to the local area to widen children’s understanding of the area around them

  • Reception | captainwebb

    Reception Classes Children in Reception are provided with a range of rich, meaningful first-hand experiences in which they can explore, think creatively and are active. This starts with a memorable experience for each topic we are learning about. You will see this in our Long Term Overview. Children also take part in weekly Forest School sessions, that offer children opportunities to achieve and develop through hands on learning experiences. ​ All Early Years children have extensive opportunities to play. We recognise the importance of learning through play and the provision of stimulating, practical experiences. The children take part in adult-directed, adult-led, child-led and child-initiated play. Each class is taught by a teacher and have teaching assistants to support your child’s learning. ​ We also believe that to prepare children for learning in later years they need to experience sessions of adult led focussed teaching, particularly in the areas of writing, maths and phonics. We follow the Read, Write inc programme each day for our phonics. We strive as Early Years practitioners to create a balance between play based learning and a more formal adult led structure. Children are taught as a whole class for short, regular sessions during the day and are then given opportunities each day to work both with an adult and to access their own learning and work independently within the environment. ​ We encourage our children to be independent learners, and they are encouraged to select activities of their choosing from around both the indoor and outdoor environments. Adults plan exciting stimuli each week for the different areas of the environment to try and focus and move learning forward. ​ What Our Day looks like 08.45 – 09.00 – Our school day begins with days of the week, weather, and our daily timetable 09.00 - 09.50 – Daily phonics and small group time 09.50 - 10.00 – Fit for learning 10.00 - 10.45 - Maths 10.45 – 11.00 – Snack and playtime 11.00 – 11.45 – Project learning and theme 11.45 – 13.00 – Lunchtime 13.00 – 13.20 – Mindfulness & number sense 13.20 – 13.30 – Quality story time 13.30 – 14.55 – Project learning 14.55 – 14.15 – Story, rhyme time and home-time We also have weekly PE by Crossbar, forest school and music Minors. What you will need to provide · Water is always accessible within the room but if you would like to provide your child with a water bottle please ensure it is labelled with their name. · Outdoor clothing, raincoat or wet suit and wellies for their forest school day. · A book bag for your child. Parents sessions · Across the year we will be inviting parents and carers in for ‘Stay and Play’ sessions. We offer different planned parent workshops throughout the year so you can join us for phonics, maths, and theme sessions. We also invite you to celebrate world events like The Kings Coronation. · The children also have a fun non-competitive sports day in the last summer term. ​ Curriculum Framework Overview - Year R Maths Pre-Calulation Policy Reception Medium Term Lesson Plans Autumn Term 1 Autumn Term 2 Spring Term 1 Spring Term 2 Summer Term 1 Summer Term 2

  • School Dinners | captainwebb

    學校晚宴 請在下面找到我們的學校晚餐菜單。如果您需要有關學校晚餐的更多信息,請隨時聯繫學校辦公室。

  • RE | captainwebb

    Religious Education Curriculum Statement Religious Education Offer 2022-2023 Pupils at Captain Webb Primary School are empowered to develop the hope and persverence necessary to engage the challenges of learning in the context of school and the wider world. Children are challenged to ask questions about the world around them and to seek the solutions, finding answers themselves. We prepare pupils to be informed, respectful members of society who celebrate diversity and strive to understand others. Teachers engage children with exciting lessons to ensure they access the RE curriculum and enjoy learning about different worldviews. Children are encouraged to work together to deepen their knowledge of the beliefs and practices of religions and worldviews. Children develop informed opinions and an awareness of the implications of religious beliefs and worldviews on individuals, the community and the environment. Children are able to persevere when introduced to different ideas and opinions. Teaching staff seek out every opportunity to ensure that all pupils flourish in RE lessons, developing wisdom and creativity through an ambitious and broad curriculum that challenges expectations, deepens knowledge and develops skills. At Captain Webb Primary School we aim to support pupils so that they become independent and responsible members of society who understand and explore big questions about life, to find out what people believe and what difference this makes to how they live, so they can make sense of their own lives and those of others. We follow the Telford and Wrekin Agreed Syllabus, SACRE (2021), for the teaching of RE. The syllabus aims: To stimulate interest and enjoyment in Religious Education. To prepare pupils to be informed, respectful members of society who celebrate diversity and strive to understand others. To encourage students to develop knowledge of the beliefs and practices of religions and worldviews, to develop informed opinions and an awareness of the implications of religion and worldviews for the individual, the community and the environment. To enable pupils to consider their own responses to questions about the meaning and purpose of life. Knowledge forms the basis for progress in RE. The Telford and Wrekin Agreed Syllabus considers two types of knowledge: substantive (the what) and disciplinary (the how) knowledge. In terms of substantive knowledge, the development of such is reflected through the curriculum units where a religion is revisited and different questions are asked/ knowledge provided as pupils move through school. With regards to disciplinary knowledge in RE we think about the methods (the ways children find out about religion) and the personal disciplinary knowledge, which relates to how the study of religion helps pupils to learn about themselves and their values. Our chosen curriculum enables the children to draw and revisit prior knowledge, through regular retrieval practices and consider the more complex ideas about religion, where knowledge is connected through concepts and part of the children’s long term memory. Four concepts have been identified as Golden thread concepts/words that weave through our whole curriculum enabling links to be made with other more complex concepts/words over time. The Golden Thread Concepts are ‘belief, relationships, worship and identity’. They are all concepts that are revisited as children progress through the school. RE lessons at Captain Webb are inclusive, so everyone is valued and respected – and tolerance and diversity are celebrated. Children with SEND/EAL children are given appropriate support to access the RE curriculum and can respond in different ways. All pupils are encouraged to consider their own values and attitudes and those of others, and provided knowledge and opportunities to understand other people. Scaffolds, sentence stems etc. are used to alleviate boundaries so that each child can access the main religious concepts. Lessons are pitched appropriately to ensure children are able to access the RE curriculum. Assessment is completed in an appropriate way for each child so that they are able to demonstrate their understanding. An understanding of pupils’ needs is demonstrated through the range of ways in which the pupils can achieve the lesson objective SMSC and Religious Education. ​ It is our aim that Religious Education should contribute to the spiritual, moral and social and cultural development of our pupils. Religious Education can help children develop their own informed values, religious and non-religious. Children should learn to respect themselves and be sensitive to the needs and experiences of others, including considering the effect our actions have upon others. Religious Education can also help develop pupils’ understanding of social issues like stewardship of the Earth’s resources, our citizenship within local, national and global communities and a genuine respect for persons and sensitivity to their values and beliefs. Religious Education should also equip pupils to challenge inequalities and disadvantages associated with race, gender, class and ability. Useful websites for RE KS1 Religions of the World: KS2 Religions of the World: SACRE: Religious Education Policy 2023-25 Schema for Worship Schema for Relationships Schema for Identity Schema for Belief RE Knowledge Grid Parental right of withdrawal from RE This was first granted in 1944 when curricular RE was called ‘Religious Instruction’ and carried with it connotations of induction into the Christian faith. RE is very different now – open, broad and exploring a range of religious and non-religious worldviews. In the UK, parents still have the right to withdraw their children from RE on the grounds that they wish to provide their own RE. This provision will be the parents’ responsibility.6 This right of withdrawal exists for all pupils in all types of school, including schools with and without a religious designation. Students aged 18 or over have the right to withdraw themselves from RE. Parents also have the right to withdraw their child from part of RE, and can do so without giving any explanation.

  • Early Help at Captain Webb | captainwebb

    Early Help at Captain Webb At Captain Webb Primary we recognise the challenges that families face in bringing up children. Everyone needs help at some point in their lives and therefore an ethos of early help is important for any school. There maybe times when you need extra help, support or advice. If this is the case please come and talk to us, we are here to help. ​ Children, young people and families develop resilience if there are protective factors in place such as: a positive relationship with an adult, good literacy and communication skills, good school attendance and parents in or actively seeking work. Children's needs are best met when help is offered in a universal setting within a socially mixed group and early on when problems start to emerge. ​ Children and young people’s needs are best met when addressed in the context of the whole family, meaning that parents/carers and siblings needs are addressed, with consent, as part of a holistic and integrated early help response. ​ Early help services should support and strengthen families, so that they can thrive. How can I access Early Help at captain Webb? ​ Your class teacher is your first point of contact for any issues or concerns. Teachers are responsible for the well being of all the children in their class and will liaise and signpost to other staff members as required. ​ Our early help assessment lead at Captain Webb Primary is Mrs Gemma Boden. Mrs Boden is contactable by email or phone. ​ Email: or by calling the main school office on 01952 386 770. ​ Heading 1

  • Cultural Capital | captainwebb

    Cultural Capital What is a Cultural capital? Cultural capital is the accumulation of knowledge, behaviours, and skills that a pupil can draw upon and which demonstrates their cultural awareness, knowledge and competence; it is one of the key ingredients a student will draw upon to be successful in society, their career and the world of work. Cultural capital promotes social mobility and success in our stratified society. Cultural capital gives a student power and it helps them achieve goals, become successful, and rise up the social ladder without necessarily having wealth or financial capital. Cultural capital is having assets that give students the desire to aspire and achieve social mobility whatever their starting point. Our Cultural Capital At Captain Webb Primary School, our curriculum is designed to instil high aspirations in all of our children and to encourage them to become resilient, life-long learners who embrace challenges and continue to grow and develop their cultural capital. Our children will be inspired to follow whichever path they choose whilst being well-rounded, conscientious global citizens. Our 6C values, understanding of SMSC and British Values enrich and underpin our curriculum to ensure Captain Webb children are prepared and equipped to succeed in their futures in an ever changing world. “Education for global citizenship helps enable young people to develop the core competencies which allow them to actively engage with the world, and help to make it a more just and sustainable place.” - We are working hard to be Global Citizens at Captain Webb Primary School. ENRICHMENT AT CAPTAIN WEBB > SMSC AT CAPTAIN WEBB > At Captain Webb, we ensure that our curriculum is a vehicle for SMSC education. SMSC stands for spiritual, moral, social and cultural education. Please click to find out more about our SMSC grids which outline how we intergrate SMSC into our learning across the school. BRITISH VALUES AT CAPTAIN WEBB > At Captain Webb we actively take opportunities to teach British values and feel this is embedded through our weekly assemblies and interwoven in our enriching curriculum. Please click to find out how this is taught across the school. PROTECTIVE CHARACTERISTICS >




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