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Safer Internet Day 2023


This year we once again took part in Safer Internet Day! Our teachers made sure we had space to talk about what devices we use to access the internet, what we do when we are online, what we like about using the internet and what our worries are. We recorded our thoughts and added them to the Safer Internet Day ‘Video Wall’ where industry leaders and online safety experts will listen to our voices!




在線安全與我們計算課程的每個單元(見下文)息息相關。在“更安全的互聯網周”期間,我們阻止了整整一周的主題工作,讓孩子們了解網絡安全的特定年齡方面,並且幾個外部機構(如 NSPCC、谷歌和當地警察)訪問了學校,以了解當前在線安全問題。我們的學生會在安全的各個方面(包括在線安全)的討論和決策中發揮著積極作用。



  • 了解您的孩子在網上做什麼以及他們在與誰交談。請他們教您使用您從未使用過的任何應用程序。

  • 將計算機放在家庭房間意味著您可以分享您孩子的在線體驗 - 並且他們不太可能做出不當行為(即通過網絡攝像頭)。

  • 幫助您的孩子了解他們不應該將個人詳細信息透露給在線朋友——個人信息包括他們的信使 ID、電子郵件地址、手機號碼以及他們自己、家人或朋友的任何照片。如果您的孩子在線發布圖片或視頻,任何人都可以更改或分享。提醒他們,任何人都可能正在查看他們的照片,未來有一天,未來的雇主也可以!

  • 如果您的孩子收到垃圾郵件/垃圾郵件和短信,請提醒他們永遠不要相信、回复或使用它們。打開不認識的人的文件對您的孩子來說不是一個好主意。他們不會知道它們包含什麼——可能是病毒,或者更糟——不適當的圖像或電影。

  • 幫助您的孩子了解有些人在網上撒謊,因此最好讓網上的朋友保持在線。如果沒有他們信任的成年人,他們不應該與任何陌生人見面。

  • 始終保持溝通暢通,讓孩子知道如果某事讓他們感到不舒服,告訴某人永遠不會太晚。

  • 教年輕人如何在網上屏蔽某人,以及如何在他們感到不舒服時舉報他們。


如果您想了解有關互聯網安全的更多信息,您可能會發現這些網站很有用: - 兒童剝削和在線保護 (CEOP) 中心致力於消除對兒童的性虐待。他們是一個政府機構,是英國警務部門的一部分,非常關注直接或與當地和國際部隊合作跟踪和追究違法者的責任。 - 兒童剝削和在線保護 (CEOP) 中心建立了自己的教育網站,該網站專為兒童、年輕人、教師、父母和照顧者設計和編寫。 - Kidsmart 是一個屢獲殊榮的互聯網安全網站,面向父母和兒童工作人員。它由兒童互聯網慈善機構 Childnet International 開發,提供有關兒童使用的許多技術的優秀信息,以及有關如何“保持在線安全”的指導。 - Vodafone 與 mumsnet 共同開發了該網站。它非常易於訪問,並為父母提供有關了解孩子的數字世界和更多參與的信息和指導。甚至還有一個在線測試,看看你知道多少!

Physical Security Systems we have in place

In addition to teaching our children how to stay safe online we have installed, on our internet and IT systems, several security systems to block and filter out any inappropriate content.  The following are some of the in-built security protection systems put in place, on our behalf by T&W:

  • 1.       Password management:  This is critical, as this is where we all need to play our part. Passwords can be hacked easily if they do not have a good level of complexity, so to help protect your data we use a good, complex passwords.   We never share password or leave them lying around.

  • 2.       Email protection – All emails go through a filtering system (Sophos) to ensure they do not contain a virus or from a known phishing source. Sophos is a tool that checks the content of the email very quickly and will let us know if it is safe to open. 

  • 3.       Internet Filtering – We use a product called Smoothwall, this protects against access to certain internet sites and content that you would not want your children to see.  

  • 4.       Monitoring of activity - Senso is a cloud based, real time monitoring of activity on school owned devices, designed to highlight [to school staff] users who may be vulnerable or at risk to themselves, at risk to others or behaving inappropriately. Senso indicates a potential concern by raising a “violation” when a keyword, acronym or phrase typed, matches against those found within our libraries. It sends automated alerts to the DSL’s.

  • 5.       Anti-Virus Software – Windows Defender. This is designed to detect and remove viruses and other kinds of malicious software from schools computers or laptops.

  • 6.       A Firewall - At its most basic, a firewall is essentially the barrier that sits between a private internal network and the public Internet, it monitors and filters incoming and outgoing network traffic based on our organisation's previously established security policies

  • 7.       Multifactor Authentication  (MFA) – This is where you not only have a password but use a secondary device (like an app on a phone) as additional confirmation of the users identity.  This increases security because even if one credential becomes compromised, unauthorized users will be unable to meet the second authentication requirement and will not be able to access the system.

  • 8.       Geofencing  - This helps protect devices and accounts from access from certain ‘high risk’ geographical areas.

Online Safety Workshops 

ear 5 and Year 6 took part in workshops run by a lady who works with the GK Consultant Services (who specialise in safeguarding for children).  The workshops were aimed specifically at teaching the children to understand about online friendships, consents, sharing images and videos, and how to access help when online.  Below is a copy of the PowerPoint used in the workshops.

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