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  • Protecting Your Data | captainwebb

    我們如何管理和保護您的數據 通用數據保護條例 (GDPR) 通用數據保護條例 (GDPR) 是歐盟範圍內的一項立法,它將確定如何處理和保護人們的個人數據,以及個人對其自己的數據享有的合法權利。 “個人數據”是指可以識別活人身份的信息。 主要原則 GDPR 規定了處理所有個人數據必須遵守的關鍵原則。 數據必須: 合法、公平和透明地處理;為特定、明確和合法的目的收集;僅限於處理目的所必需的內容;準確並保持最新;安全地舉行;僅在出於收集原因所必需的時間內保留 個人對自己的數據也享有更強的權利。 個人的權利包括:獲知其數據的使用方式、訪問其數據、糾正不正確的信息、刪除其數據、限制其數據的使用方式、將其數據從一個組織轉移到另一個組織,並反對他們的數據被使用 新要求 GDPR 類似於1998 年的數據保護法 (DPA) (學校已經遵守),但加強了 DPA 的許多原則。主要變化有: 學校必須任命一名數據保護官,他將就遵守 GDPR 和其他相關數據保護法提供建議 隱私聲明必須採用清晰明了的語言,並包含一些額外信息——學校處理數據的“法律依據”、個人對其自身數據的權利 學校只有一個月的時間來滿足學科訪問請求,並且在大多數情況下無法收費 如果學校需要個人同意來處理數據,則該同意必須是自由的、具體的、知情的和明確的 有針對兒童數據的新的特殊保護 必須在數據洩露後 72 小時內通知信息專員辦公室 組織必須證明他們如何遵守新法律 學校在考慮以新方式使用數據或實施新技術監控學生時,需要進行數據保護影響評估 我們如何實現這一目標 在韋伯船長小學,我們認真對待數據保護,並確保我們完全遵守數據保護法和新的 GDPR 立法。為此,我們採取了以下措施: 我們在信息專員辦公室 註冊為數據控制者 - 我們的註冊號是 Z6446791 我們通過與地方當局的合同僱用了一名數據保護官。 我們已經更新了我們的數據保護政策,並確保每年對其進行審查以確保遵守法律(見下文)。該政策包括有關提出數據請求的新指南以及父母/照顧者需要遵循的流程。 我們更新了我們的信息自由政策,並確保每年對其進行審查以確保遵守法律(見下文)。 我們已經完成了對學校收到、持有或共享的所有信息的數據審計。這包括指定對每個數據流負責的個人,分析數據的接收、存儲方式,其相關性,我們是否有合法目的來保存數據以及在適當的時間刪除/銷毀數據。 我們已確認與我們共享數據的組織也遵守 GDPR 和數據保護法規。 我們更新了我們的隱私聲明(見下文) 我們為所有數據處理人員(即有權訪問/使用我們持有的信息)組織了關於數據保護和新 GDPR 的年度培訓。 我們已經審查了我們持有和使用數據的合法目的。雖然我們使用的大部分數據是根據法律義務(即根據1996 年教育法 或確保兒童在教育中安全(DfE,2016) 並允許我們執行我們的公共任務)完成的,但我們使用的一些數據不是。在這些情況下我們將始終尋求家長同意。我們更新了家長同意書(見下文),以確保家長可以清楚地看到所要求的內容,並且可以積極選擇加入。 家長可以隨時使用下面的同意書或聯繫學校辦公室撤回同意 雖然您孩子的教育不取決於您是否同意,但我們也會徵求您對某些活動的同意。雖然這不屬於 GDPR 的範圍,但拒絕同意某些請求(即旅行和訪問、觀看視頻)可能會影響您的孩子參與某些教育活動 。 Parental Consent Form and Information Governance Policies Pupil/Parent Privacy Notice Read More Parental Consent Form Read More Information Sharing Policy - Mar 23 Read More Mobile Phone Policy - Sep 23 Read More Data Protection Policy - Sep 23 Read More FOI Policy - Sep 21 Read More FOI Model Publication Scheme Read More

  • Safeguarding | captainwebb

    Safeguarding at Captain Webb Primary School Meet the Safeguarding Team Report a Safeguarding Concern Safeguarding Information for Parents Safeguarding Information for Children Online Safety Information CSE/CCE (Child Sexual Exploitation/Child Criminal Exploitation) Prevent Key Safeguarding Documents Meet the Safeguarding Team At Captain Webb we have a team of safeguarding leads who work closely together to ensure all our children, and their families, are safe. Our safeguarding team can be contacted in person via the main office or by telephone on 01952 386770 ​ Designated Safeguarding Lead Overall responsibility for safeguarding at Captain Webb sits with Sarah Passey (our Headteacher), however she has delegated the day-to-day responsibilities to Gemma Boden as the Lead DSL. If you have any queries or concerns around the welfare of a child or any aspect of safeguarding at Captain Webb, the DSL is your first point of contact. ​ Deputy Safeguarding Leads ​ Where the DSL is unavailable, a Deputy DSL will take the lead on safeguarding across the School. We have a number of trained DDSLs to ensure that capacity and availability is maintained at all times. ​ Our Deputy DSL's are: Sarah Passey - Headteacher Nicola Weston - Deputy Head Claire Watkins - Pastoral Support Jenny Wheatley - Pastoral Support Fran Tranter - OOH's ​ Safeguarding Governor ​ To ensure the governing body are able to monitor the safeguarding provision at Captain Webb they have appointed a Safeguarding Governor. The core responsibilities of the Safeguarding Governor are, along with the DSL: To ensure there are policies and procedures in place for appropriate action to be taken in a timely manner to safeguard and promote children's welfare; to feedback their findings to the full governing body; to undertake regular in-depth training to be able to advise the governing body on safeguarding matters. ​ Our safeguarding governor is Ms Jenny Kiernan ​ Designated Teacher for Children who are Looked After ​ Where children are looked after by the Local Authority, the Designated Teacher works with Children's Social Care to ensure the best possible outcomes, both academically and socially. Our Designated Teacher for Looked After Children is Sarah Passey. ​ Meet the Team BACK TO TOP Reporting a Concern Reporting a Concern ​ Captain Webb Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all our children. All adults visiting or working on site at Captain Webb have a part to play in ensuring we keep our children and each other safe. In order to protect children at Captain Webb we will; Create an atmosphere where all children feel safe, valued and listened to Recognise signs and symptoms of abuse in all forms- Act quickly and effectively when concerns around the welfare of our children are raised All adults working with our children will know that; They have a duty of care to safeguard all children whilst on site at Captain Webb Disclosures of abuse can happen at any time and to anyone in school They should immediately report any concerns around the welfare of a child to a member of the safeguarding team Their role is not to investigate any concerns raised ​ All staff log any safeguarding concerns directly onto CPOMS (Child Protection Online Management System). ​ Visitors on site If you become worried about a child or by something you see or hear whilst on your visit to our school this information must be shared with a safeguarding lead, within 10 minutes. A Concern Form should be completed to ensure clarity of information. There are Concern Forms located in every classroom, the staff room, and the school office. ​ Family Connect If you have concerns that a child is suffering abuse or harm of any description you can also report this directly to Family Connect on 01952 385385 BACK TO TOP Safeguarding Information for Parents Our Designated Safeguarding Lead is: Gemma Boden Our Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads are: Sarah Passey Nicola Weston Claire Watkins Jenny Wheatley Fran Tranter If you wish to discuss or pass on any concerns you have regarding safeguarding and child protection please contact our Safeguarding Team through the school office. ​ Captain Webb Primary School follows the Telford and Wrekin Safeguarding Boards procedures. The school will endeavour to discuss all concerns with parents about their children. However, there may be exceptional circumstances when the school will discuss concerns with social care and/or the Police without prior parental consent. We always aim to maintain a positive relationship with all parents. Captain Webb Primary has a wide range of safeguarding and health and safety guidance and procedures in place to protect all our pupils and ensure their welfare. The governors and staff annually review and monitor these policies which include safeguarding, anti-bullying, behaviour, security, first-aid and e-safety. In accordance with statutory guidance, all staff regularly attend Child Protection training and refresher sessions on the procedures to follow for suspected incidents of abuse. All staff are trained in Evacuation, Invacuation and Lockdown Procedures and these procedures are practiced in school over the academic year. The Academy works with a number of agencies to safeguard and protect individual pupil’s welfare. Robust safer recruitment guidelines are followed with regard to recruitment and all staff and regular volunteers undergo DBS checks to assess their suitability. Our full Safeguarding Policy and procedures are available on our website here and from the office on request. Other useful websites to support parents and families to keep children safe: ​ NSPCC Online Safety Advice for Parents Download the NSPCC online safety bookmark here Let's Stop Abuse Together - advice and support site to help keep children safe from sexual abuse. The site includes advice for parents and carers on spotting the signs of sexual abuse and speaking to your child about relationships and safety. It also signposts to sources of further support for children, adults and professionals including the NSPCC helpline and Childline. Childnet - Parent/Carer toolkit Common Sense Media - advice re age ratings/restrictions on films, games etc. Internet Matters - help and support for parents of young teenagers BACK TO TOP Safguarding for parents Safegarding for children Safeguarding Information for Children ​ If you are being hurt, treated in a way that makes you feel scared or unsafe, or you feel very alone or unhappy, please tell someone about it so they can try to help you. Talk to someone you can trust, like your class teacher or one of our Pastoral Team (Mrs Boden. Mrs Watkins, or Mrs Wheatley) . Any member of staff in school will listen to you and support you, and talk through what can be done to help sort things out. ​ Remember that you can ring ChildLine anytime on 0800 1111 ​ What to do about bullying ​ If you are being bullied by another child please tell someone. Bullying can happen to anyone, at any age, at school, at home, on the bus, in the street, online, or via your mobile phone. It might be that someone pushes you around, talks about you, teases you, makes fun of you, hits you or calls you names. No one has the right to hurt you or make you feel bad, and if you are being bullied you don't have to put up with it, you can talk to someone and get something done about it. Talk to a teacher, your mum, your dad, or someone else in your family. You could talk to someone at Childline - ring their freephone number 0800 1111. Cyber bullying is when people are nasty online or on a mobile phone. It is against the law to bully someone in this way and it can be stopped. Click on the names of the websites below for more information and advice: Childline Bullying Advice Thinkuknow - information for different age groups, and you can report abuse here CEOP - advice on reporting online abuse UK Safer Internet Centre BACK TO TOP Prevent Duty ​ What is the Prevent strategy ? ​ Prevent is a government strategy designed to stop people becoming terrorists or supporting terrorist or extremist causes. The Prevent strategy covers all types of terrorism and extremism, including the extreme right wing, violent religious groups and extremist support of other causes. ​ How does the Prevent strategy apply to schools? ​ From July 2015 all schools (as well as other organisations) have a duty to safeguard children from radicalisation and extremism. This means we have a responsibility to protect children from extremist and violent views the same way we protect them from drugs or gang violence. Importantly, we can provide a safe place for pupils to discuss these issues so they better understand how to protect themselves. ​ What does this mean in practice? ​ Many of the things we already do in school to help children become positive, happy members of society also contribute to the Prevent strategy. These include: Exploring other cultures and religions and promoting diversity. Challenging prejudices and racist comments Developing critical thinking skills and a strong, positive self -identity. Promoting the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of pupils, as well as British values such as democracy. We will also protect children from the risk of radicalisation, for example by using filters on the internet to make sure they can’t access extremist and terrorist material, or by vetting visitors who come into schools. ​ Different schools will carry out the Prevent duty in different ways, depending on the age of the children and the needs of the community. ​ Frequently Asked Questions ​ How does Prevent relate to British values? ​ Schools have been required to promote British values since 2014, and this will continue to be part of our response to the Prevent strategy. ​ British values include: Democracy The rule of law Individual liberty and mutual respect Tolerance of different faiths and beliefs. Isn’t my child too young to learn about extremism? ​ The Prevent strategy is not just about discussing extremism itself, which many not be appropriate for younger children. It is also about teaching children values such as tolerance and mutual respect. ​ Is extremism really a risk in our area? ​ Extremism can take many forms, including political, religious and misogynistic extremism, Some of these may be a bigger threat in our area than others. ​ We will give children the skills to protect them from any extremist views they may encounter. ​ KEY TERMS ​ Extremism - vocal or active opposition to fundamental British values such as democracy, the rule of law and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs. ​ Ideology - a set of beliefs ​ Terrorism - a violent action against people or property, designed to create fear and advance a political, religious or ideological cause. ​ Radicalisation - the process by which a person comes to support extremism and terrorism. ​ Where to go for more information? ​ Contact Mrs Boden through the School office. ​ If you have any questions or concerns about the Prevent strategy and what it means for your child please do not hesitate to contact the School. ​ You will find more information about spiritual, moral, social and cultural development and British values on our website. ​ Prevent Risk Assessment - April 2024 ​ External Sources The following sources may also be useful for further information: ​ Frequently asked questions, Prevent for schools ​ What is Prevent? Let’s Talk About It ​ BACK TO TOP Prevent Duty Key Safeguarding Documents Safeguarding Policies These are our main Safeguarding Policies. All our other Safeguarding Policies can be found on our Policies Page Staff Equality Policy - Oct 23 Read More Child Sexual Exploitation - a Guide for Parents Read More Whistle Blowing Policy - Sep 23 Read More Pupil Equality Policy - Oct 23 Read More Child on Child Abuse Policy 23.24 Read More Parent Code of Conduct Policy - Oct 23 Read More Procedures for Managing safeguarding Concerns and Allegations - Apr 21 Read More Child Protection Policy - Sep 23 Read More Keeping Children Safe in Education - Sep 23 Read More Children's Emotional Health and Well being Policy - Sep 23 Read More BACK TO TOP

  • History | captainwebb

    History Curriculum Statement Intent Our intent is to provide our children with an engaging, exciting and empowering curriculum that allows them to develop as confident responsible citizens equipped with the skills that will allow them to be successful in our ever-changing world, both in the present and the future. We believe that childhood should be a happy, investigative and enquiring time in our lives. We constantly provide enrichment opportunities (memorable experiences) to engage learners and develop their cultural capital which has been recognised as essential if children are to succeed. We believe that our children should not only reach their best academically, but also develop a thirst for knowledge, foster a love of learning and leave our school with exceptional independent learning skills. We are fully committed to developing each child's unique potential within a secure and caring environment. We use our Captain Webb Values to promote positive attitudes to learning: Listen Encourage Achieve Respect Nurture At Captain Webb, our intent, when teaching history, is to stimulate the children’s curiosity in order for them to develop their knowledge, skills and understanding. History is all around us. The study of history ignites our children’s curiosity about the past in Britain and the wider world. Through finding out about how and why the world, our country, culture and local community have developed over time, children understand how the past influences the present. History enables children to develop a context for their growing sense of identity and a chronological framework for their knowledge of significant events and people. What they learn through history can influence their decisions about personal choices, attitudes and values. We provide a vibrant, varied and engaging experience for all children. History at our school helps pupils to make sense of the present as well as the past, it enables them to appreciate the complexity and diversity of human societies and development. We wish to develop a curiosity for the subject, as well as an understanding and acceptance of the validity and importance of all types of history. Educational visit to museums and other learned sites provides children with a fantastic starting point for every topic. We are committed to ensuring children understand the value and importance of history in the wider community, and are able to use their historical skills, knowledge, and experiences to involve themselves in history in a variety of different contexts, both through local history and through some of the most storied civilisations on Earth. Implementation Our whole curriculum is shaped by our school vision which aims to enable all children, regardless of background, ability, additional needs, to flourish to become the very best version of themselves they can possibly be. History topics are taught in 2 weekly blocks across the academic year, enabling students to fully immerse themselves in the program of study. We teach the National Curriculum, supported by a clear skills and knowledge progression. This ensures that skills and knowledge are built on year by year and sequenced appropriately to maximise learning for all children. It is important that the children develop progressive skills of a historian throughout their time at Captain Webb and do not just learn a series of facts about the past. In History, pupils at Captain Webb, find evidence, weigh it up and reach their own conclusion. To do this successfully, as historians, they need to be able to research, interpret evidence, including primary and secondary sources, and have the necessary skills to argue for their point of view; a skill that will help them in their adult life. Impact By the time the children at Captain Webb leave our school they will have developed: A secure knowledge and understanding of people, events and contexts from the historical periods covered. The ability to think critically about history and communicate confidently in styles appropriate to a range of audiences. The ability to consistently support, evaluate and challenge their own and others’ views using detailed, appropriate and accurate historical evidence derived from a range of sources. The ability to think, reflect, debate, discuss and evaluate the past, forming and refining questions and lines of enquiry. A passion for history and an enthusiastic engagement in learning, which develops their sense of curiosity about the past and their understanding of how and why people interpret the past in different ways. A respect for historical evidence and the ability to make robust and critical use of it to support their explanations and judgements. A desire to embrace challenging activities, including opportunities to undertake high-quality research across a range of history topics. History Policy 2023.26 History Skills and Knowledge Progression Plans History Focussed Strand Grid

  • SMSC | captainwebb

    SMSC at Captain Webb SMSC- (Spiritual, Moral, Social, and Cultural) At Captain Webb, we ensure that our curriculum is a vehicle for SMSC education. SMSC stands for spiritual, moral, social and cultural education. ​ The following explores each aspect of SMSC and outlines how pupils may demonstrate their development in each area. ​ Spiritual Exploring beliefs and experience; respecting values; discovering oneself and the surrounding world; using imagination and creativity; reflecting. Our children's spiritual development is shown by their beliefs, religious or otherwise, which inform their perspective on life and their interest in and respect for different people’s feelings and values sense of enjoyment and fascination in learning about themselves, others and the world around them, including the intangible use of imagination and creativity in their learning willingness to reflect on their experiences. Moral Recognising right and wrong; understanding consequences; investigating moral and ethical issues; offering reasoned views. Our children's moral development is shown by their ability to recognise the difference between right and wrong and their readiness to apply this understanding in their own lives understanding of the consequences of their actions interest in investigating, and offering reasoned views about, moral and ethical issues. Social Using social skills in different contexts; working well with others; resolving conflicts; understanding how communities work. Our children's social development is shown by their use of a range of social skills in different contexts, including working and socialising with pupils from different religious, ethnic and socio-economic backgrounds willingness to participate in a variety of social settings, cooperating well with others and being able to resolve conflicts effectively develop interest in, and understanding of, the way communities and societies function at a variety of levels. Cultural Appreciating cultural influences; participating in culture opportunities; understanding, accepting, respecting and celebrating diversity. Our children's cultural development is shown by their: understanding and appreciation of the wide range of cultural influences that have shaped their own heritage willingness to participate in, and respond to, for example, artistic, musical, sporting, mathematical, technological, scientific and cultural opportunities interest in exploring, understanding of, and respect for cultural diversity and the extent to which they understand, accept, respect and celebrate diversity, as shown by their attitudes towards different religious, ethnic and socio-economic groups in the local, national and global communities. HOW WE PREPARE CHILDREN FOR LIFE IN MODERN BRITAIN AT CAPTAIN WEBB RETURN TO CURRICULUM SUBJECTS >

  • Curriculum Subjects | captainwebb

    Curriculum Subjects You can read more information about each subject that we teach, how we plan lessons, and how we manage the learning progression, by selecting from the links below: Art Computing Cultural Capital D&T Geography History Maths (including KIRF) MFL Music Artsmark PE Phonics PHSE RE Reading RSE Science Spelling Spoken Word Writing

  • SEN and Disabilities | captainwebb

    特殊教育需求:學校提供 在韋伯船長,我們的主要目標是提供一個包容性的課程,該課程是差異化的,並考慮到孩子的需求以及讓他們能夠與同齡人一樣進入課程所有領域的能力。我們相信,這可以通過仔細的分組和規劃成功實現,必要時可以參考外部機構的建議。我們了解每個孩子都是獨立的個體,並以他們自己的方式學習,需要針對所有學習方式量身定制教學方法。 我們的學校優惠突出了我們能夠為孩子提供 SEND 的內容,並與我們的 SEN 政策密切相關。 鑑別: 我們的 SEND 政策強調了在對特殊教育需求或殘疾提出擔憂時如何識別和密切監控兒童。這遵循 SEND 行為準則 (2015) 的指導,並與 Telford 和 Wrekin 的本地報價密切相關 關於您孩子的任何問題都應首先與班主任討論,他將與 SENDco 聯絡。然後,班主任和 SENDco 可以與家長會面,討論如何支持您的孩子以及後續步驟。 干預措施: 早期干預應該是學校干預策略的基礎——這要求學校完成對日托、托兒所、接待處和一年級的持續評估,並跟踪兒童的進步。建議限制干預項目的數量,以確保項目質量高、管理良好並影響成績。 第一波——全班教學 面向所有兒童的質量第一教學。有效地將所有兒童納入日常高質量的識字和數學教學中。 教師帶隊,助教支持 第 2 波 – 有針對性的供應 有針對性的規定是兒童在第 1 波規定中取得的進展低於預期時將獲得的規定。它可能會從外部機構的建議中獲得信息,並且需要一張供應地圖來突出確切的干預措施,包括基線數據以確保進展是可衡量的。兒童可能會根據他們的需要接受其中一些干預措施,通常是小團體。 由教師領導或由教師管理並由助教領導 第 3 波更高需求供應 較高需求供給是少數兒童在第 2 波供給無法使他們取得持續進步的情況下獲得的供給。它將聽取外部機構的建議,並需要一份詳細的、單獨的供應地圖來突出確切的干預措施,包括基線數據,以確保進展是可衡量的。這是一項非常個性化的規定。 由教師領導或由教師管理並由助教領導 四大需求領域: 在韋伯船長,我們遵循 SEN 行為準則 (2014) 來確定四個主要需求領域。這些都是: 溝通與互動 認知與學習 社交、情緒和心理健康 感官和身體發育 我們認識到兒童可能有不止一個需要領域,而且他們可能是相互關聯的。 Telford 和 Wrekin 當地優惠突出了地方當局如何努力滿足 SEND 兒童的需求,詳細介紹了為有某種特殊教育需要或殘疾的人提供的資源和服務: 為家長提供的服務: 在韋伯船長,我們努力與父母建立積極、支持的關係,以確保為兒童及其家人提供最好的服務。為此,我們提供: 定期家長諮詢日 可與班主任 / SENDco 開會討論家長的擔憂 定期與家長共享供應地圖,並討論進度 家長充分了解孩子在學校內和訪問外部機構獲得的支持 家長和孩子有機會為學校提供想法和討論 如何在家裡支持孩子的想法 與 SENDco/班主任和家長會面,討論外部機構的參與,例如在 LSAT 訪問之後 以下服務可能對需要支持的父母有所幫助 梁 Telford 和 Wrekin 本地優惠 IASS 家長開門 (POD) Ican2 殘疾兒童活動 學生參與 在韋伯船長,我們認為讓孩子們參與決策和整個學校的決策是最重要的。孩子們充分了解他們的目標,並鼓勵他們分享他們對這些目標的看法並回顧他們在實現目標方面的進展。 SEND 登記冊上的所有兒童還將完成一頁資料,討論對他們來說什麼是重要的,他們認為什麼是困難的,以及如何最好地支持他們。 學生有機會加入學校理事會,在那裡他們能夠表達其他學生的想法和想法。學校理事會定期開會,聽取同學的建議,在會議上討論。 課程權利 SEN 行為準則(2015 年)規定:所有兒童和青少年都有權接受適當的教育,這種教育適合他們的需要、促進高標準和發揮潛力。這應該使他們能夠: • 做到最好 • 成為自信的人,過著充實的生活,並且 • 成功過渡到成年,無論是就業、繼續教育或高等教育或培訓 在韋伯船長,我們努力確保所有孩子都能獲得完整的課程,差異化是實現這一目標的關鍵工具。持續評估可幫助教師識別可能存在的困難領域,從而解決如何將這些問題最小化,做出調整以確保所有人都可以訪問課程。 我們以多種方式滿足額外需求,包括: 對小組的課堂支持 小團體或1-1提款 個人班級支持/個人退學 資源分化 專業資源 培養支持 全校供給圖(見附件) 學校提供的干預浪潮.docx 特定設施和通道 我們努力確保所有兒童都有機會進入學校生活的所有領域,確保他們能夠充分發揮潛力。所有建築物都設有殘疾人設施。扶手、坡道和精心選擇的教室確保所有人都可以使用。如有需要,將向家長和外部機構尋求建議,以確保充分滿足兒童的需求。 可以使用差異化、資源和專業設備來確保兒童能夠獲得完整的課程。學習風格是課程計劃的主要考慮因素,以確保滿足所有需求。 所有兒童都被納入學校生活的所有領域,在這些領域將採用必要的替代工作方式以確保所有人都能參與。 外部機構/服務學校聯絡 在韋伯船長,我們利用了許多外部機構的專業知識,這些機構支持並建議幫助我們滿足被認定為有 SEND 的兒童的需求。這些包括: Telford 和 Wrekin SEN 團隊 公平訪問面板 行為支持服務 (BSS) 早期干涉 學習支持諮詢小組 (LSAT) 教育心理學(EP) 言語和語言治療師(SALT) 職業治療 (OT) 感官包容服務 (SIS) 學校護士 家庭聯繫 Bee U 心理健康服務 輔導員 國際社會科學院 SENDco 還定期參加網絡更新會議並與其他 SENDco 聯絡以獲得建議和支持。 過渡安排 當孩子到達或離開韋伯船長學校時,我們將與家長和之前的環境密切聯繫,以確保充分了解孩子的需求以及如何最好地支持他們,包括後續步驟。 在新學年開始時換班時,孩子們會有幾天的時間來認識和熟悉他們的新老師和班級環境。如果認為有必要,孩子們可能會有額外的時間來支持這個過程並建立信心。班主任將與孩子們進行詳細的討論,包括分享最新的供應地圖和一年來取得的進展。 SEND 登記冊上的所有兒童還將完成一頁簡介,討論對他們來說什麼是重要的、他們的困難以及他們認為如何最好地支持他們。孩子可能需要一本關於他們的新班級和設施的信息手冊,以便與家人討論,從而在開始新的一年小組之前盡量減少焦慮。 向中學的過渡涉及韋伯船長和新學校之間的密切聯繫。所有關於孩子的 SEND 信息都將被發送到新學校,SENDco/班主任將就孩子的當前需求和後續步驟進行討論,包括支持孩子的最佳方式。對於有 EHCP 的孩子,我們確保邀請接收學校的 SENDco 參加夏季學期年度審查,以深入了解孩子的需求和信息,從而確保順利過渡。 有用的網址: Telford & Wrekin 委員會 發送實踐代碼 SEND Policies SEND Information Report - June 23 Read More Accessibilty Plan Read More SEND Brochure Read More SEND Policy - Jul 23 Read More 森科 接觸: 艾莉森·菲尼 加文·迪克 電話:01952 386770

  • School Dinners | captainwebb

    學校晚宴 請在下面找到我們的學校晚餐菜單。如果您需要有關學校晚餐的更多信息,請隨時聯繫學校辦公室。

  • School Development Plan | captainwebb

    學校發展計劃 這些是學校將在 2019/20 學年開展的工作,以確保我們繼續為您的孩子提供最好的教育。今年的主要發展領域是課程創新、手寫、拼讀和閱讀以及有特殊教育需求的兒童的成果。 SDP 2023 - Behaviour and Pastoral SDP 2023 - Curriculum SDP 2023 - Governance SDP 2023 - SEND

  • Spoken Word | captainwebb

    Spoken Language Reading and writing float on a sea of talk. James Britton What is Spoken Language? The national curriculum for English reflects the importance of spoken language in pupils’ development across the whole curriculum – cognitively, socially and linguistically. Spoken language underpins the development of reading and writing. The quality and variety of language that pupils hear and speak are vital for developing their vocabulary and grammar and their understanding for reading and writing. Curriculum Intent At Captain Webb Primary School, we value Spoken Language as an important part of the children’s entitlement to a broad and balanced curriculum. Spoken Language provides the children with the opportunities to develop and extend skills and an opportunity to express their individual interests, thoughts and ideas. Our aim is to enable the children improve their levels of spoken language so that all pupils are able to communicate effectively and confidently in front of any type of audience. These skills are encouraged in every area of our curriculum as good communication skills can enhance every type of learning. The children are encouraged to explore ideas through talk; challenge each other’s opinions and develop their own reasoned arguments, as well as talking in full sentences with a clear and confident voice. Pupils should be taught to: listen and respond appropriately to adults and their peers ask relevant questions to extend their understanding and build vocabulary and knowledge articulate and justify answers, arguments and opinions give well-structured descriptions and explanations maintain attention and participate actively in collaborative conversations, staying on topic and initiating and responding to comments use spoken language to develop understanding through speculating, hypothesising, imagining and exploring ideas speak audibly and fluently with an increasing command of Standard English participate in discussions, presentations, performances and debates gain, maintain and monitor the interest of the listener(s) consider and evaluate different viewpoints, attending to and building on the contributions of others select and use appropriate registers for effective communication. Spoken language: speaking, listening & responding Implementation The teaching and implementation of the Spoken Language curriculum is based on the Early Learning Goals and National Curriculum; it is supported by expectations from the Voice 21 framework, ensuring a well-structured approach. These skills are at the core of our curriculum and pupils are encouraged to listen and learn from sharing ideas with others. Staff at Captain Webb model the use of higher level vocabulary within their speech and expanding children’s vocabulary is a key focus in all years. Subject specific vocabulary is embedded across the curriculum, through teacher modelling, in context. Contextual learning helps children to understand new words and supports them in including new vocabulary in their work. This model is reflected in both shared and guided reading sessions, where children are given the chance to explore unfamiliar vocabulary and expand their knowledge of words. Talk partners are used extensively throughout the school, together with a range of planned learning opportunities that encourage pupils to explore language e.g. role play, drama activities, group discussion, hot seating. In KS2, pupils also take part in class debates. Drama is used across a range of subjects including History, problem solving in Mathematics, hot-seating during English lessons and Religious Education,. to explore and engage children in their learning. This gives children the chance to embed the use of specific vocabulary repetitively. At Christmas, EYFS and KS1 children perform their Christmas production to the school while LKS2 produce and lead a production of drama, jokes and songs at Easter. At the end of the academic year, the Year 6 children perform a tailored production to parents and carers. All pupils also perform to their parents once a year in their year group assembly. Daily poetry and rhyme and singing sessions are prioritised in EYFS and KS1. All year groups have a core set of poems that the pupils learn off by heart and perform in assemblies. Our pupils need lots of opportunities to speak and listen. This is especially true of pupils with special educational needs (SEND) and/or pupils with English as an additional language (EAL). Within every day teaching, we use a range of resources to support communication e.g. visuals made with Communication in Print, word banks, sentence stems, speaking frames. Some pupils take part in small group activities (Talk Boost) and some pupils receive additional support e.g. speech and language assistant or therapist. Impact Constructive formative feedback is provided to pupils regarding their spoken language and listening skills, not only to improve their knowledge and skills but also to establish secure foundations for effective spoken language at primary school right through to secondary education and beyond. Pupils at Captain Webb Primary School have a wide vocabulary and are confident speakers. They enjoy talking amongst peers and to adults in school and demonstrate excellent listening skills.

  • Remote Education | captainwebb

    Remote Education Attendance is essential for pupils to get the most out of their school experience, including for their attainment, wellbeing, and wider life chances. There are, however, certain circumstances when it is not possible for a child to attend and it is in these circumstance where an offer of Remote Education can be made. Remote education should not be viewed as an equal alternative to attendance in school. For this reason schools may only consider it as a last resort when the alternative would be no education, and only after it has been established that the pupil is, or will be, absent from school. In such cases, remote education can have the benefit of allowing absent pupils to keep on track with their education and stay connected to their teachers and peers. The priority is always ATTENDANCE. Scenarios where remote attendance should be considered. Where schools have to close, or there are restrictions on attendance for pupils (i.e. during COVID) Providing remote education does not change the imperative to remain open or to reopen as soon as possible. Every effort will be made to ensure pupils can be taught in person by attending school or if appropriate and possible, attending a safe alternative site. After exploring all options to ensure the school remains open to all pupils, there may still be some exceptional occasions when school leaders or the local authority decide that it is not possible to open safely, or where opening would contradict guidance from local or central government. If restricting attendance for pupils is the only viable option, we will consider providing remote education to help pupils stay on track with the education they would normally receive. ​In individual cases where a child is unable to attend school but is able to learn. There should only be limited circumstances where a pupil is unable to attend school but is able and well enough to continue their education remotely. These circumstances should only involve a short-term absence and might include: pupils recovering from short-term infectious illnesses, pupils preparing for or recovering from some operations, or pupils recovering from injuries where attendance might inhibit recovery. In some exceptional cases, these circumstances might also include pupils whose attendance has been affected by a special educational need or disability (SEND) or a mental health issue. In these circumstances, and after the pupil’s absence from school has been established, we will consider providing pupils with remote education on a case-by-case basis. This will be part of a plan to reintegrate back to school, and only when it is judged that providing remote education would not adversely affect the pupil’s return to school. ​ Provision of remote education is a short-term solution allowing absent pupils to keep on track with their education and stay connected to their teachers and peers. Pupils with long-term medical conditions or any other physical or mental health needs affecting attendance may require additional support to continue their education. ​ At Captain Webb Primary School we refer our parents to the Oak National Academy website, as this provides high quality lessons that are meaningful, ambitious, and cover an appropriate range of subjects to enable pupils to keep on track with their education. ​ We will work with the parent/s so they understand which elements of learning their child will need. We will provide additional support in cases of SEND, and work collaboratively with families to support the children/parents accessing the learning successfully. We will help to overcome barriers to digital access by loaning school owned devices, accompanied by a user agreement, if and where necessary and/or possible. ​ The senior leader with overarching responsibility for the quality and delivery of remote education is Mrs Sarah Passey (Headteacher). ​

  • School Uniform | captainwebb

    At Captain Webb Primary School we try hard to make our school uniform as affordable and accessible to parents as is possible. To this extent we have our uniform in navy blue, which is readily available from most retailers, and are happy to accept black or grey trousers and skirts. We do not insist that the uniform is logoed, but we do have a supplier that can provide logoed uniform, which is good quality and at a reasonable price (the company was voted for by the parents). To further help parents with the cost of purchasing uniform we have some second hand uniform available in school, and the school provides a PE kit for each child. For our full uniform policy, including any seasonal changes to uniform, or what to do if you have any concerns, please see below: School Uniform Policy Our school uniform is provided by I Want Workwear Dynamic Court, Halesfield 24, Telford, TF7 4NZ You can view and order the full range online 體育裝備 白色T卹 海軍藍或黑色 PE 短褲 運動鞋或膠底鞋 用於戶外 PE 的黑色、海軍藍或灰色慢跑褲

  • Phonics | captainwebb

    Phonics Curriculum Statement What is Phonics? Phonics is the method of teaching reading through the identification of sounds and graphemes. All words are made up of individual sounds. These sounds are merged together to form words. e.g. in ‘mat’ we have the sounds ‘m’, ‘a’, ‘t’, ship – ‘sh’, ‘i’, ‘p’. A grapheme is another name for the letters we use to write the sound. The spelling of that sound on the page. The new National Curriculum ensures that all children are taught Phonics systematically. This gives your children the tools to read any word. What is Read Write Inc? At Captain Webb, we use Read, Write, Inc. an inclusive synthetic phonic programme to teach our children to read, to write and to spell. We have adopted this as our whole school approach as the programme facilitates a graduated and tailored approach to learning basic sounds and letter formation before advancing to more complex sounds and reading for comprehension. The programme moves with integrity from learning to read to reading to learn. This video, taken from the Ruth Miskin website, explains the scheme in more detail: Teaching Phonics at Captain Webb We start teaching the programme in your child’s Reception year and then continue until they have worked their way through the whole reading scheme. Our aim is for all children to complete the programme by the end of the first half term of Year 2. Those children who have not reached the expected level by the time they leave KS1 will continue to access the RWI programme and receive additional targeted intervention to ensure they catch up with their peers. RWI is taught through daily phonic lessons where we teach sounds, children practise reading and spelling words containing these sounds, then we give children decodable books containing sounds and words they can read. They read each Storybook four times at school and again with you at home We assess all children on the scheme every 4 weeks, to ensure that they are placed in the appropriate group for their reading ability. This also allows us to quickly identify any children who need some support to access the learning at the level of the group. If this arises, we provide one-to-one tutoring for the child in accordance with the Read, Write, Inc scheme, to help them make rapid progress and once again be at the level of their group. Groups are taught by either teachers or teaching assistants who have had Read, Write, Inc phonics training; in utilising so many staff, we can ensure that groups are kept as small as possible and that the teaching the children receive is tailored to their needs. To find out more information on the half termly progress expectations for Phonics, please click on the link below.I Half Termly Progress Expectations - Phonics In Reception, children begin by learning the Set 1 sounds. Set 1 Sounds are taught in the following order together with rhymes to help children form the letters correctly and instantly recognise sounds ready for blending. For the set 1 handwriting rhymes please click on this link. Handwriting Rhymes They also begin learning to blend sounds together to make words after learning the first 5 sounds, firstly through practising oral blending, also known as Fred Talk. Then, when they can blend independently, they progress on to reading green words. As soon as children can read green words, they begin to read stories in their Read, Write, Inc sessions. Each storybook is matched to the sounds they can already read, which sets them up for success and helps to build their confidence with reading. Each colour set also contains 5 non-fiction texts It is through these storybooks that we teach children red words, which are irregular words that are not phonetically plausible and cannot be sounded out (Fred Talked). Each storybook is taught in the same way, with children practising reading the green words in the story and also the red words, before they begin to read the book. Children will then read the book several times to help build their fluency and comprehension skills. ​ Order of Story books: Children will hopefully follow the order listed below. The expectation is that all children will leave Year One as confident speedy readers, ready to take on the challenges of Year Two. However, some children may need extra support and your teacher will talk to you about this. ​ Books Green Words in Books Red Ditty 1-10 Read More Green 1-10 Read More Purple 1-10 Read More Pink 1-10 Read More Orange 1-12 Read More Yellow 1-10 Read More Blue 1-10 Read More Grey 1-13 Read More When the children move on to Green story books, they will begin to learn Set 2 Sounds – the long vowels. When they are very confident with all of set 1 and 2 they are taught Set 3 Sounds. Speed Sounds Set 3 Nonsense Words also known as alien Words As well as learning to read and blend real words children will have plenty of opportunities to apply their sound recognition skills on reading ‘Nonsense words also known as alien words’. These words will also feature heavily in the Year One Phonics Screening check in the summer term. To find out more about the Year 1 Phonics Screening check please click on this link. Spelling Spelling will only start in Reception when children are ready to write and form their letters. Children will use first use ‘Fred fingers’ to first sound out a word before they write it down. Children learn how to spell rather than just get tested. Furthermore, this way of teaching spellings allows children to use Fred fingers whenever they get stuck with spelling a word. Children pinch each sound on fingers before writing the word. What can you do to help? 1. Use pure sounds, not letter names We teach using pure sounds. We pronounce the sounds clearly, using pure sounds (‘m’ not’ muh’, ’s’ not ‘suh’, etc.) so that your child will be able to blend the sounds together to make words more easily. To hear how to pronounce sounds correctly, watch the following video. 2. Use Fred Talk to read and spell words (see above) 3. Listen to your child read their Storybook every day. 4. Read aloud a variety of stories to your child every day. Our school library has a wonderful selection of picture books, speak to our admin team about loaning out books to read at home. ​ You can access online resources (see below) where there are tips and videos to give you more information to help you to understand more about Phonics, Read Write Inc. and how to practise reading and writing with your child at home. Online resources available Ruth Miskin Parents’ Page: Ruth Miskin Facebook: Free e-books for home reading:

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